Sunday, May 23, 2010

St. Petersburg

Today we toured St. Petersburg, often called the Venice of the North. Saw the beautiful ‘Church of Spilled Blood.’

Then toured the magnificent Hermitage, museum and former home of the Tsars. Think a Louvre housed in a Versaille.

Next we visited a beautifully restored baroque palace, the former residence of the obscenely wealthy Yusupov family. Also the scene of Rasputin’s grisly murder.

Rasputin was a sleazy Siberian peasant who weaseled his way into royal circles. Jealous of Rasputin’s influence, Yusupov and his cronies tried to poison him, when that didn’t work they beat him, shot him and chucked him into the river where he finally died of drowning.

After dinner, we attended a folklore concert of musicians, singers and dancers. The Military Leningrad Orchestra, a men's chorus in uniform, and a troupe of dancers in colorful traditional costumes.

Picture Lawrence Welk meets Riverdance. The theater seats were hard and uncomfortable. Boriiiiiiiiing. The only saving grace was the intermission with complimentary champagne.